Monday, January 31, 2011

foto tunjuk perasaan berdarah di mesir

Demonstrasi Mesir

Demonstrasi Di Kairo Mesir
Seorang polisi berbaju preman berjalan di depan wartawan sementara lainnya memukuli demonstran.
Demonstrasi Di Kairo Mesir
Aktifis anti pemerintah menduduki tank polisi
Demonstrasi Di Kairo Mesir
Warga membawa seorang pria yang terluka saat bentrokan dengan polisi di Kairo.
Demonstrasi Di Kairo Mesir
Demonstrasi Di Kairo Mesir
Aktifis anti pemerintah bentrokan dengan polisi keamanan.
Demonstrasi Di Kairo Mesir
Polisi anti huru-hara mengawasi Warga yang melakukan sholat jum'at di jalan di depan masjid l-Istiqama.
Demonstrasi Di Kairo Mesir
Seorang demonstran berhadapan dengan polisi saat kerusuhan.
Demonstrasi Di Kairo Mesir
Demonstrasi Di Kairo Mesir
Polisi membawa mahasiswa yang terluka di jalan Kasr Al Nile Kairo
Demonstrasi Di Kairo Mesir
Polisi anti huru-hara memaksa demonstran menjauhi the Kasr Al Nile Bridge saat mereka ingin memasuki Tahrir Square Cairo
Demonstrasi Di Kairo Mesir
Demonstrasi Di Kairo Mesir
Polisi Mesir menembakkan gas air mata ke arah demonstran di Kairo.
Demonstrasi Di Kairo Mesir
Seorang demonstran melakukan doa di depan Polisi anti huru-hara
Demonstrasi Di Kairo Mesir
Para pemprotes menurunkan poster Mubarak dan mengganti slogan dengan tulisan: "mercy mercy, you traitor to your people"
Demonstrasi Di Kairo Mesir
Meskipun suasana tegang, demostran ini tetap narsis dengan berfoto ria dengan polisi.
Galeri peristiwa reformasi di mesir dapat di saksikan di Foto-Foto Kerusuhan Mesir
Video tertembaknya demonstran dapan Anda lihat di Revolusi Mesir Berdarah

source: tq.

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Top Ten Small Business Owners Under 16

If necessity is the mother of invention, she has spawned some very young inventors. The following entrepreneurs took advantage of childhood to solve pint-sized problems and fatten their piggy banks.
Jacob Dunnack developed the JD Batball at age six. Jacob was frustrated when he'd remembered his bat but forgotten his ball during a visit to his grandmother's home. To prevent future mishaps, Jacob came up with the idea for a plastic baseball bat with a removable cap for storing balls. Jacob and his parents went to a designer to submit the idea to Toys "R" Us. The toy megastore liked Jacob's idea so much they started carrying the product. Now, that's one idea that definitely turned into a grand slam.
Krysta Morlan's experience with her own cerebral palsy pushed her to invent the portable Cast Cooler in tenth grade. Several surgeries had left Krysta trapped in hot, uncomfortable casts. Krysta's solution: the Cast Cooler, a battery-powered machine that funnels cool air into a cast via a plastic tube.
And, she has already developed a second invention, although Krysta has yet to even graduate high school. Prompted by months of tedious physical therapy in a swimming pool, Krysta created the Waterbike. It is semi-submerged, fin-powered, and has a rudder for steering. This idea definitely didn't sink since the bike can be used for therapy or fun.
K-K Gregory has also sought to make life a little more pleasant. At the ripe age of ten, she invented Wristies¨ to keep freezing snow out of her coat sleeves. K-K's Wristies can be worn under mittens or gloves. Fingers are free and cuffs stay dry. Her samples were such a hit with her Girl Scout Troop that she brought her design to a patent attorney. The result? Nine years in business and going strong.
Adam Cohen is another born problem solver. In the fifth grade, he invented an alarm clock to wake him up with a pre-recorded message. By age twelve, his bedroom had become a laboratory stacked with his award-winning inventions. One invention was a nanoscale patterning technique using an electrochemical scanning tunneling microscope (STM) resulting in anElectrochemical paintbrush. Needless to say, Adam was not your average teenager. He became a Harvard student. With over 200 ideas pending, he hasn't slowed down on the inventions.
Richie Stachowski was both a corporate founder and a president by age 13. His product,Water Talkies,™ reaps about a half-million annually. At age eleven, Richie was snorkeling on a Hawaiian vacation. Frustrated that he couldn't communicate with his dad about undersea discoveries, he came home and designed an underwater megaphone. He used the internet for research, his home pool as a test lab, and $267 of his savings for startup capital. Richie's company, Short Stack, LLC, negotiated with major retail chains to carry his product. Water Talkies™ were a hit in the summer of 1997 and have kept people communicating underwater ever since. Who says vacations can't lead to great ideas.
Kelly Reinhart was another kid in need of practical solutions. She designed Thigh Packs at age six. The Thigh Pack is a holster for carrying kid's necessities, like portable video games. By age nine, she was chairperson of TPak International, a company with nearly $1 million in orders. Improvements and patenting followed. Plans have been discussed with Pentagon officials to see if the packs could be used by the military.

irfan khairi - internet millionaire

Dr Irfan Khairi. His name needs no introduction in the world of online business here in Malaysia. He made sensations here when he became a Malaysian Ringgit millionaire at the age of 25 while he was still studying if I'm not mistaken. That was in 2002. His success doesn't come overnight of course, he was figuring out ways to make money online ever since the age of 18. So basically, he took well about 7 years to find the right formula!
He has written a number of books here and currently hot in the market are his 'Secrets of Internet Millionaires Revealed' book that was launched in UK in October 2006. That book of his has now more or less became the 'must-have' guide book for those who are seeking ways to make it big online here in Malaysia. He's also pretty good at organizing workshops, directly teaching and sharing his secrets with interested parties. His one-day workshop doesn't come cheap or course; it costs a whopping Malaysian Ringgit $790.00 as of time of writing..
a bit about Irfan Khairi"
1. A simple 'kampung' (ordinary person) Malaysian Malay man from Kedah who only finished high school became a self-made Malaysian Ringgit millionaire in 16 months through selling 'Tongkat Ali' or Eurycoma Longifolia on eBay and Yahoo! GeoCities! This is in 1995!
2. In 1998, an ordinary Malaysian Chinese man from Penang who also only finished high school and could hardly write and speak English became a Malaysian Ringgit millionaire in 23 months simply through his hobby! This guy loves to shoot videos and one day he sent a few short video clips of Malaysian natural sceneries to websites such as Discovery & National Geographic via email and FTP (File Transfer Protocol). His work was so good and that caught the eyes of Discovery & National Geographic editors! They paid him top dollars for his work and you may have seen his short videos on such channels without ever realizing that it was created by a typical ordinary Malaysian!
more info at :
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Pemain pulang semula gaji RM36.6 juta

GIL MECHE membaling bola dalam satu perlawanan besbol di bandar Kansas pada 25 Mei tahun lalu.

WICHITA, Amerika Syarikat – Seorang pemain besbol pasukan Kansas City Royals, Gil Meche memulangkan semula gaji berjumlah AS$12 juta (RM36.6 juta) pada tahun lalu kerana menganggap dia tidak layak untuk menerimanya, lapor sebuah akhbar semalam.
Meche mengambil keputusan itu kerana menganggap prestasinya tidak memuncak kerana dia hanya bermain dalam sembilan perlawanan dan pasukannya tidak pernah menang satu pun daripadanya.
Bintang sukan itu menerima gaji tiga kali lebih banyak berbanding pemain lain di dalam pasukan yang sama.
“Saya bukan hendak menjadi hero. Saya cuma mahu kembali menjalani hidup yang selesa.
“Mengambil wang sebanyak itu (RM36.6 juta) daripada pasukan yang telah memberi saya lebih AS$40 juta (RM122 juta) untuk diri dan keluarga, bukanlah perkara yang betul untuk dilakukan,” tegas Meche.
Dia yang berusia 32 tahun menandatangani kontrak selama lima tahun bernilai AS$55 juta (RM168 juta) dengan pasukan Kansas City Royals bermula pada musim 2007.
Keputusannya itu mendapat pujian daripada para blogger dan pengulas sukan. – Agensi
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kalau kita dapat duit banyak tu...nak pulang juga ke?

Friday, January 28, 2011


  • Be good to yourself.
    • Keep physically fit and rested.
  • Attitude is all-important.
    • Use positive affirmations: "I can pass American History."
    • Provide your own psychological edge, be it a positive attitude or a "lucky pen."
  • Be a chronic enthusiast!
  • Used textbooks may provide insights on a course.
  • Sit in the front row;
    • if you must sit toward the back of the room, lean forward.
    • Attentiveness and concentration increase markedly.
  • Don't miss the first and last minutes of class.
    • They are crucial — important announcements, questions on test, etc.
  • Use a variety of study techniques. 
    • a. Tape chapters (find out if your textbook has companion pod cast chapters). Listen on way to school, work. 
    • b. Use index cards for quick review.
    • Keep them simple. Throw your highlighter away!
    • Remember: frequent review takes facts from short-term memory to long-term memory — learning as opposed to cramming.
  • Study in short bursts.
    • (First and last facts are remembered best; therefore, it will accelerate learning.)
  • Review notes immediately after class.
    • Even for five minutes.
    • Something magical happens!
  • Review your notes out loud.
    • Read your chapters out loud.
  • Appearance raises grades.
    • Neatness counts.
    • Word processors are a plus.
    • If a handwritte assignment is acceptable, use erasable pen.
  • Don't waste time rereading.
    • Rely on "pen in hand" and SQ3R.
  • Test professors before they test you.
    • Ask questions about what kind of test to expect,
    • what material will be covered.
  • Become an expert test taker.
  • Go with initial hunches.
  • Stay with initial hunches. 
  • Study according to your biological clock.
    • Are you "normal," a night owl, or an early bird?
  • Eliminate stress in your life.
  • EXERCISE is the best antidote.
  • Make extra credit mandatory.
  • Never miss a class.
    • This is considered mandatory by "A" students.
  • Be prepared to bail out.
    • Don't be afraid to drop a course that is not working for you., BUT be aware of all official dates to withdraw and any vital state legislative restrictions ( Texas has a limit on total number of W hours.)
  • Volunteer to edit a friend's paper.
    • Use it as a learning experience.
  • Study smart—not hard!
  • Time management skills and discipline pay off.
  • Stay mentally, physically and spiritually fit. 
Adapted from the video "Where There is a Will, There is an A" by Professor Claude Olney  

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Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Catch us if you can - chap 3

summary of CHAPTER 3
1. Darren suggests that Granda be put in a home.
2. This angers Rory.
3. Granda hates that mere mention of Rachnadar, the nursing home.
4. He says he would rather die than go there.
5. Back home, Rory prepares Granda for Parents’ Night.
6. He is worried about Granda’s behavior on that night.
7. One night, he asks Granda about his father.
8. Granda’s gets angry and he bangs his fist on the table.
9. Rory’s father had been irresponsible for he had left his wife and his little son.
10. Rory’s mother died of broken heart.
11. Granda calls him ‘a waste of space.’
12. He tells Rory that he is the only son he has.

Catch us if you can - chap 2

summary of CHAPTER 2
1. Rory asks Granda where he put his homework.
2. He notices a bulge in his rucksack.
3. It is a bag of rubbish.
4. Granda has absent-mindedly thrown away his homework and kept the rubbish instead.
5. The next day in class, his classmates try to help Rory think up excuses he could give Mrs Foley.
6. They like to help him because they often find Granda’s action hilarious.
7. Rory tells Mrs Foley the truth, that he had lost his homework.
8. She asks him about Granda.
9. He notices the moustache on her face.
10. Mrs Foley then asks Rory to stay behind at lunchtime to do his homework.
11. But Rory cannot stay behind as he has to rush home at lunchtime.
12. He must prepare Granda’s lunch.
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Catch us if you can - chap 1

summary of CHAPTER 1
1. Rory and Granda are at Dr Nicol’s clinic.
2. Dr Nicol is their family doctor.
3. Granda feels restless for he likes seeing the doctor.
4. He complains that the doctor gives him too many types of pills to take.
5. Suddenly, smoke comes out from his pocket.
6. It is from his pipe.
7. He has forgotten to put it properly before keeping it in his pocket.
8. Dr Nicol says that he will do his best to get a home help for Granda.
9. Rory thinks that it is a good idea.

Sunday, January 23, 2011

The German-Malaysian Institute (GMI)

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(from Technology Complex 5)

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our Sport Complex

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Technology Complex 1

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GMi Nuclear sector whistling.gif 

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The German-Malaysian Institute (GMI) is the German-Malaysian educational institute in Malaysia. It was located at Taman Shamelin-Perkasa, Cheras, Kuala Lumpur but now we have moved to the new campus in Bangi, Selangor. GMI started operations in 1992 and was lunched by Tun Dr Mahadir Muhammad (Ex-Prime Minister of Malaysia). The educational goal of GMI is to train technicians in highly skilled areas of education
It is a centre for advanced skills training that offers intensive courses with hands-on practical and theory in the fields of Productions Technology and Industrial Electronics.
The formation of GMI is a result of a joint venture project between the Governments of Malaysia and Germany. It is governed by 10 Board of Directors comprising of representatives from the industry and also the government bodies. This institution is set up as a Company Limited by Gurantee where the founders are Majlis Amanah Rakyat (MARA) and the Malaysian German Chamber of Commerce & Industry (MGCC). GMI had its first student enrolment in 1992 and the number continues to grow until now.

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more info at :

Saturday, January 22, 2011

SMKTT Hostel

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[what's your sweetest memory at your hostel?]

bangunan baru ASWARA

Pandangan Perspektif Blok Bangungan Akademik

Perkhidmatan Teras ASWARA
Memenuhi tuntutan objektif penubuhan ASWARA sebagai sebuah institusi induk pengajian dan latihan seni, budaya dan warisan yang banyak menyumbang kepada industri kreatif dan seni negara, maka perkhidmatan teras ASWARA yang telah dikenalpasti adalah seperti berikut :-
  1. Pengajaran dan Pembelajaran
  2. Menyediakan pendidikan dan pengajaran seni budaya dan warisan yang bermutu dan relevan dengan keperluan industri kreatif negara.
  3. Pusat Sumber
  4. Berperanan sebagai Pusat Sumber Sehenti (one-stop-centre) yang lengkap bagi tujuan penyelidikan dan rujukan dalam bidang seni budaya dan warisan.
  5. Penyelidikan, Penerbitan dan Dokumentasi
  6. Melaksanakan penyelidikan dan kajian dalam bidang seni budaya dan warisan bagi penemuan baru serta menerbit dan mendokumentasi hasil-hasil kreatif, kajian dan penyelidikan.
  7. Khidmat Nasihat Akademik
  8. Menyediakan khidmat nasihat dalam bidang seni budaya dan warisan kepada penyelidik, pelajar, seniman dan khalayak umum.
  9. Pusat Eksperimentasi
  10. Melaksanakan eksperimentasi untuk perkembangan dan pembangunan seni budaya dan warisan.
  11. Pusat Kreatif dan Inovasi
  12. Menghasilkan karya produksi dan penerbitan kreatif dan inovatif bagi menempatkan karyawan, seniman tempatan diiktiraf sehingga ke peringkat antarabangsa yang menyumbang kepada industri kreatif negara.